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Skiing in Wolf Creek in southwest Colorado, March 2021

Learner Profile           

Skills, Strengths, + Interests I have a passion for teaching composition. I thrive in individual sessions as a Writing Assistant at the KSU Writing Center. My skills include supporting students with free writing, writing research-based papers, and convincing students that writing is a skill they will use in any career. I am interested in writing creative nonfiction and am enrolled in a nonfiction class this semester.

Aspirations + Passions I am a Graduate Teaching Assistant enrolled in MAPW program. This semester I am shadowing an English 1101 section as part of my Practicum and will pursue teaching FYC after I graduate. Next year I will teach two sections of ENGL 1101 (Fall 2022) and 1102 (Spring 2023) at KSU. I am excited about venturing into teaching college composition. I previously taught U.S. History in Colorado Springs. 

Likes and Dislikes I like engaging with students individually, as I believe writing is most effectively taught face-to-face. Finding a way to make learning fun is something I value. Disorganization is certainly a dislike. I always aimed to be highly organized for my students when I was a high school teacher, and I plan to do the same when I teach FYC.  

How I Learn I prefer to model examples in a how-to method. I prefer visual combined with textual for learning new skills. Examples and non-examples support my learning. To develop my writing, I study styles of writers and try to replicate.

Struggles + Barriers Pacing by a teacher is key to me. If a professor is proceeding at a pace that is too slow, I may lose interest. I prefer teachers to periodically check for understanding. Checking for understanding helps me confirm that I am fully comprehending the lesson. I need that check.

Curiosities How to implement multimodality in FYC. College composition is changing from text on a page to a multimodal project-based class, and I want to be a part of that transition.

I don't understand... now what? I ask questions anytime I do not understand a concept, which includes questions for confirming that I understand. I am never weary of asking questions or admitting that I do not comprehend a subject or lesson.


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John Greene riding train through Canyon in Colorado
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My Story

MPA, Government + Public Policy
BA, Political Science

I will be adding to this in the future with personal information, interests, travel and more!



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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